As the good Doctor himself often states...
"It's hard to believe some of these things are
true... But they are!"

Facts that are Strange But True..
Learn hundreds of new things about the world around you!
Impress your friends by dropping unusual facts and figures into
casual conversation!
Learn a new fact every day!!
Dr. Johnston - one of the worlds brilliant medical minds,
compiled this book in his study over many years.
"Dr. Johnston's Strange But True... Factbook" has a database of
hand picked unusual facts, one of which will appear randomly at
Use your finger to swipe across the bottom area of the factbook
to move forward or backwards through the book.

The app supports all iPad screen orientations - there is no
proper way up after all!
The Dr. can often be found in his study and is fastidious when
working - he really hates being disturbed!
Just try moving his inkwell or paperweight to find out! He has
quite a few things to say when interrupted!!!
From the goodness of his heart however, he will permit you to
copy/paste the definitions elsewhere...
(as long as you are
quiet when doing it that is).
We think you will enjoy this fun app - Use Google to follow up
your research and knowledge!

**** DISCLAIMER ****
The character featured in this App, "Dr. Cornelius Johnston" is
completely fictional.
Any resemblance to any person living or
dead is purely coincidental.
No similarity to any person either living or dead is intended or
should be inferred.
Whilst the good doctor laboured hard to ensure all facts are
correct, the occasional mistake may have slipped in
due to the
over zealous self-administration of alcoholic beverages at
Should you come across any such whoppers or just wish to
comment, please write to the good Doctor and point out to him
but firmly what it is that you have discovered.